We offer free instruction to members every season, with opportunities ranging from beginning instruction to telemark and backcountry skills. Check out the Instruction tab in the menu above for more info.
We organize ski outings for our members, ranging from day trips in the Albuquerque area to weeklong bus/hotel trips in the Rockies and more. Check out the Outings tab above to learn more.
Member Meetings
We hold monthly member meetings in Albuquerque during the ski season. Meetings typically include a presentation by an outside speaker and time for refreshments and socializing. We also have an annual picnic in the Fall to allow members to plot out their coming winter fun! If you want to get even more involved, there are opportunities to join our Board. Learn more under the About Us tab above.
Trail Maintenance
The ski club participates in the Adopt-A-Trail Programs (AAT) on the Sandia and Jemez Ranger Districts. A few times each year, generally in the summer and fall, the Club Trails Chair announces work outings via the Club e-mail group.
We maintain links on our website to trail maps, weather and avalanche information, gear advice and much more. Check out our Resources tab.