Intermediate sessions are for a wide range of participants. You may practice one style of turn or work on all styles. If you have basic cross-country experience but want to gain more control descending hills, or you want to improve your technique, or perhaps, finally nail a telemark turn, come out and join the fun. If you’re interested in back-country tours and hut trips, the intermediate sessions are good practice and include a review of back-country skills. Check the website calendar, newsletter and your eGroup emails for dates and announcements or contact the Instruction Chair at
Which group should I join? Assess your skill and fitness level.
Choose the goal that’s right for you and please start from your actual level of ability and fitness. Intermediate skills include:
- step turn
- stem christie
- parallel turn
- telemark turn
- using skins
- linking turns
- skiing the fall line
- powder skiing
- back-country skills
Ask yourself: “Am I comfortable snow plow turning on a slope and doing step turns?” If the answer is “no,” stick with the beginners. That’s just what the beginner group will practice. If the answer is “yes” and you think you are an intermediate student, “Have I skied for most of a day, 5 miles or more?” You should be fit enough to be out all day, ski six miles & do some work up and down hills.
If you haven’t skied in years and feel rusty or out of shape, consider reviewing with beginner instruction. Reviewing the Beginner Instruction page and associated resources can help you decide which class to take.
Why Learn Intermediate Skills? Your desires: hut trips, back-country, downhill
A skilled cross-country or back-country skier has a repertoire of turns and skills. Picture a bluebird day, the powder is deep and slow, and there’s nothing more fun that a series of turns downhill! On a mountainous back-country tour or hut trip when a trail is narrow or icy or steep or trees are close and skiers carry heavy packs, to descend treacherous places skiers may snowplow, use kick-turns, or make a wide traverse instead of going down the fall line. When the legs are tired or the snow very deep, skiers may use techniques such as parallel or use step turns. Good judgement means using whatever is safest and comfortable for each skier.
Some skiers come to cross-country and back-country skiing from a downhill background. When people learn downhill (alpine) skiing, they usually learn that only beginners snowplow, and once you move beyond beginner level, you parallel ski and no longer snow plow. This is NOT true for cross-country and back-country skiing. Check this attitude at the door. Cross-country & back-country means having options & making choices, depending on conditions & terrain. Just because someone can parallel or telemark turn doesn’t mean they don’t snow plow when necessary.
The NMCCSC does a lot of back-country touring. We want you to join us, to learn, to be competent, safe, and have fun.